At the June 23, 2021 meeting of the ATRS Board of Trustees, a vacancy on the board was recognized. The position is Trustee Position #1 – Congressional District #1. The ATRS Board of Trustees has authority to appoint successor trustees by majority vote of the Board of Trustees. The ATRS Board voted on June 23, 2021 to take applications from qualified members to fill the vacancy by appointment. The ATRS Board intends to fill the Position #1 vacancy with an appointment through June 30, 2022. ATRS will hold a regular election for Position #1 in April 2022. The winner of the April election will serve in Position #1 until June 30, 2025.

To be eligible for Position #1, the candidate must be an active member with five or more years of service or a T-DROP member who is accruing monthly deposits. The candidate must be employed by an ATRS employer located in Arkansas congressional district #1. The candidate must be employed in a position requiring state teaching licensure or the equivalent under ATRS Rule 4.


AR Map Cong Dist 1


Candidates must be employed by an ATRS employer located in Arkansas Congressional District #1 (shown in blue on the map above).

The Board has set a deadline of August 13, 2021 for applications of qualified members to be submitted to ATRS. The ATRS Board intends to take up the appointment at a meeting in August or September.

If you are interested in serving on the ATRS Board, then the ATRS Board welcomes your application. If you know of a qualified member who is interested in serving on the ATRS Board, then please share the attached application and content of this email with them.  The ATRS Board welcomes applications from all qualified members. Membership on the ATRS Board is a very important way to serve ATRS members and the State of Arkansas.

The ATRS Board and ATRS staff acknowledge the dedicated service of Robin Nichols on the ATRS Board. The ATRS Board and staff wish Ms. Nichols well in the future.

ATRS Employers in Congressional District #1: Please forward this executive director update email to all employees. ATRS wants to get this information to as many ATRS members employed in Congressional District #1 as possible.

If you have questions or need more information, please feel free to call me on my direct line at (501) 588-4367, my cell at (501) 291-1623 or email me at

Best regards,

Clint Rhoden
Executive Director ATRS
Office: (501) 588-4367
Mobile: (501) 291-1623

Attachment: Trustee Position #1 Application Form