ATRS is conducting an election for the following two (2) positions on the ATRS Board of Trustees:  Position No.1 (Certified Member Trustee – 1st Congressional District, Requires State Licensure); and Position No. 9 (Retiree Trustee).  As a member of ATRS, this is your chance to elect a representative on the governing Board of Trustees. The elected trustee will take office on July 1, 2022 to fulfill a six (6) year term ending June 30, 2028.

Election ballots will be mailed to eligible voters on March 15, 2022.

Deadline for ballots to be returned is April 15, 2022.

Here is a list of candidates as they will appear on the ballot, along with their statement.

Position No. 1 - Member Trustee, First Congressional District.

  1. Susan Ford
  2. Amanda Webb

Susan Ford:

I am in my 31st year of teaching. I have taught in Stuttgart, Watson Chapel, Forrest City, Marion, and I'm currently teaching in Cabot. My husband is a Program Advisor in the Counseling Department at DESE and we both come from a long line of educators who have all been a part of ATRS. Arkansas educators work hard and I am willing to work to do whatever it takes to keep ATRS strong.

Amanda Webb:

I seek to fulfill the ATRS Board Position #1. I believe in serving my peers through the ATRS Board Policy Objectives. With twenty-six years of experience, I represent a wide range of teacher's voices. With plans to continue my teaching career for at least fifteen additional years, I offer the system stability and longevity. Through fervent stewardship, it is critical to keep ATRS strong for current and future generations.
Thank you for your consideration.
Amanda Webb

Position No. 9 – Retiree Trustee

  1. Jeff Stubblefield
  2. Valerie Phaup McLean
  3. Robin Nichols
  4. Ella Walker-Rolfe

Jeff Stubblefield:

I promise to work hard to protect ATRS and ATRS benefits. Retirees have worked hard for our benefits. Those benefits are earned and deserved. Like you, I depend upon ATRS benefits from my 38 years of ATRS service. With 8 years of service on the ATRS Board (5 years as Chair), I am ready to meet the challenges at the Capitol and in the boardroom to preserve ATRS benefits. I sincerely ask for your vote!

Valerie Phaup McLean:

Early in my thirty-eight years of teaching at age forty-two, I personally experienced the value of ATRS benefits my educator husband received when becoming disabled with cancer. That experience led to this moment. To keep ATRS financially sound, I will advocate strong and healthy asset management for growth, transparent governance and open communication. As trustee, I will prudently monitor our assets and actively support rules and legislation promoting and strengthening benefits for our members.

Robin Nichols:

l'm eager to return to the ARTRS board as a retired classroom teacher, continue to work for all members of our system. Classroom teachers deserve another voice on our board. I have extensive knowledge of the system to bring back to the board. I served 19 years on the ARTRS board mostly as chair of the Investment Committee. Retiring after 35 years as a librarian, art teacher and counselor. I sincerely ask for your vote.

Ella Walker-Rolfe, Phd:

I taught 40 years in three public school districts in Arkansas and retired as an administrator in 2005. I then joined ARTA and became president in 2015. Now, I desire to serve all teachers as a trustee on the Arkansas Teacher Retirement System Board. My focus will be working to maintain a strong financial system and protecting the benefits we now receive.


Election results will be certified on April 20, 2022.

If no candidate receives at least 50% of votes cast by eligible voters on the first ballot, a run-off election will be held between the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes for the position. The Schedule for the run-off election will be as follows:

  • Run-off ballots mailed: Monday, May 2, 2022
  • Deadline for ballots to be returned: Wednesday, June 1, 2022
  • Results certified:  Monday, June 6, 2022

If a candidate receives at least 50% of the votes cast on the first ballot, they will be declared the winner of the election and will assume office on July 1, 2022. If a run-off election is necessary, the candidate receiving at least 50% of the votes cast in the runoff will be declared the winner of the election and will assume office on July 1, 2022.

The term of office of each elected trustee is six (6) years. Each trustee shall continue to serve as trustee until his or her successor is elected.

The ATRS Board of Trustees and ATRS staff do not and will not endorse any candidate for election to the Board of Trustees.

Best regards,

Clint Rhoden
Executive Director ATRS
Office: 501-588-4367
Mobile: 501-291-1623