The ATRS executive director serves on the Arkansas 529 Committee to provide and promote savings for college and post-secondary education in Arkansas through the GIFT Arkansas 529 College Investment Plan. The program is coordinated by Arkansas State Treasurer. Currently, there are over 18,000 Arkansas-resident GIFT Arkansas 529 accounts with over $220 million total savings for college, vocational and trade school, and the Arkansas 529 Committee wants to do even more for greater savings.

Beth Anne Rankin, the new Executive Director of the GIFT Arkansas 529 College Investment Plan, now very effectively coordinates the 529 program in Arkansas.  She is doing an excellent job promoting the program and since January has already visited all 75 counties in the state promoting the 529 program.

An opportunity exists between now and July 31, 2015, for a person from each county in Arkansas to not only participate in the 529 program on behalf of worthy students, but to also receive an extra $529 in the 529 account through a program developed by the Arkansas 529 Program and its operational and investment counselors to promote greater participation in the Arkansas 529 Plan.

Attached to this executive director update is information about the Arkansas 529 Program and the special incentive program to encourage new and additional contributions to 529 to help Arkansas children reach for the stars.

For additional information about the Arkansas 529 program and its benefits, Beth Anne Rankin is always easy to work with, and anxious to provide information.  Below is her contact information.

Ms. Beth Anne Rankin
Executive Director
(501) 682-1406



George Hopkins  


Click on the following document(s) for more information:

529 Update