Based upon the level of calls and messages from ATRS members, I felt members should be reassured that the retirement of Mr. Hopkins has been part of succession planning at ATRS for over 2 years. The ATRS Board is using the same process used a decade ago when Mr. Hopkins was selected to be the Executive Director of ATRS. The focus of the ATRS Board will be to choose a strong successor to continue the programs and initiatives the ATRS Board has developed over the last 10 years and the decades before. The ATRS Board is confident that strong candidates will apply to become the new Executive Director. The ATRS Board will carefully screen the candidates and undertake extensive interviews with the top candidates. Be assured that the strength and sustainability of ATRS will be maintained. The mission of ATRS to recruit, retain and reward career educators will always be the cornerstone of the ATRS Board's mission.

I have attached a longer message concerning the ATRS tradition of keeping members informed. For members who have questions or concerns, the attached Board Chair update should be very informative and comforting.


Jeff Stubblefield, Chairman

ATRS Board of Trustees

List of Attachments:

1. Smooth Transition for ATRS